About this blog

This is the official blog of Phoenix Roleplaying, a multi-genre simming site, created in August 2010.

Run by the players, we hope to achieve great things.

Where our journey takes us, who knows.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

New Sim Level Awards announced

Robert Longtin just won the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for The Superlative Epicaryest (epic and legendary) Hero Introduction, and Kevin Diamond the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Suitably Awed Responses to The Superlative Epicaryest (epic and legendary) Hero Introduction, both on The Triple Zero.

David Anderson is awarded the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Actually Being Hugh Jackman, in his roleplay with 'Anzac' in SGB-2, avatared by Hugh Jackman.

Dawn Castell wins the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for Combining Outright Heroicosity with Believable Vulnerability in a Serviceperson for her characterisation of Avalon McManus in SGB-2 who has always somehow seemed to combine a brave and detached soldier with a wounded abuse victim in one person.

James Mcguire wins the Ash Leighton Plom SL Award for the Most Likeable Yet at the Same Time Manly and Impressive Civie Ever to Serve, in Lucas Fairweather, SGB-2's resident weightlifting geek.

The Ash Leighton Plom SL's Award Recognising Overlooked Loss, Sacrifice, and Constant Heroism is belated granted to Dondi Ratliff for poor Shadra Reu on Accipiter

Please remember that any Sim Leader can give out Sim Level awards.

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